Dark energy, a mysterious force driving the Universe’s accelerated expansion, has long been a topic of debate in physics. Initially thought to make up 70% of the Universe’s total energy density, recent research proposes an alternative explanation rooted in gravity and time.
Researchers at the University of Canterbury, led by Professor David Wiltshire, offer a new timescape model that removes the need for dark energy altogether. According to their theory, the appearance of accelerating expansion is due to uneven effects of gravity on time. In regions with strong gravitational fields, like galaxies, time runs slower than in vast voids.
This uneven flow of time affects light’s travel and creates an illusion of accelerated expansion. A more detailed analysis of supernova light curves reveals a non-uniform Universe, supporting the timescape model. This new theory now offers “very strong evidence” for a fundamental shift in our understanding of the cosmos.
Future missions, such as the Euclid satellite and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, will test this model further by collecting data from thousands of supernovae and other cosmic phenomena. If validated, it could resolve anomalies like the Hubble tension and revolutionize our comprehension of the Universe’s expansion.
Source: https://www.labrujulaverde.com/en/2024/12/scientists-claim-dark-energy-does-not-exist-and-accelerated-expansion-of-universe-is-an-illusion-caused-by-gravity-slowing-down-time