Denzel Washington in Othello: Action Over Mystery

A modern-dress production of Shakespeare’s leanest tragedy brings Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal to the stage, but at the cost of exploring the play’s most complex themes.

A new production of “Othello” opened on Sunday at the Ethel Barrymore Theater, with Denzel Washington as the titular character. The Broadway revival features a handsome and headlong modern-dress production that brings attention to the action-packed scenes, but neglects the mystery that drives the play’s plot.

Washington delivers a commanding performance as Othello, capturing the general’s military bearing and psychology without delving into his emotional depth. Jake Gyllenhaal takes on Iago, bringing a sense of intellectual calculation to the role that makes him more legible than Shakespeare’s original character. However, despite these strong performances, the production fails to explore the play’s most complex themes.

Shakespeare’s writing is extraordinary, but the lack of attention to exploring the possessiveness of love and its connection to paranoia raises questions about why this theme was not pursued further. The age difference between Washington and his co-star, 27-year-old Ana Margarita Lopez, could have enhanced such an exploration, but it remains unaddressed.

The production’s setting is also vague, with a lack of clarity on the geographical location that affects the audience’s understanding of the story. The sets and costumes are visually striking, but the overall aesthetic feels disconnected from the play’s themes.

Ultimately, “Othello” gets by without exploring its most complex ideas, leaving the audience with a sense that Iago will always win in the world where love is not wisely directed. With center orchestra tickets selling for $921, this production may be a good option for fans of Shakespeare, but it falls short of being a truly memorable experience.
