Dinosaur Diet Reveals Key to Success

New research on fossilized dinosaur feces has provided valuable insights into the environmental conditions that led to the dominance of dinosaurs on Earth. The study, published in the journal Nature, analyzed the contents of coprolites, or fossilized feces, from the Triassic and Jurassic periods.

Researchers found undigested remains of plants, prey, and even toxic ferns in the coprolite samples. They also discovered fish, insects, and other animals that were present in the ecosystem during this time period. The analysis revealed a surprising diet for early herbivorous dinosaurs, including charcoal to detoxify their stomach contents after eating toxic ferns.

The findings suggest that dietary diversity and adaptability played a crucial role in the survival of these ancient creatures. The researchers believe that the ability to eat a wide range of plants helped early herbivorous dinosaurs overcome environmental changes during the Late Triassic period.

By studying the fossilized feces, scientists have gained new insights into the lives of these prehistoric animals and how they adapted to their environments. The study fills a significant gap in our knowledge of dinosaur evolution during this critical period and highlights the importance of adaptability and diversity in the survival of species.

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/dinosaur-dung-fossil-triassic-jurassic-b2661112.html