DuPage County Euthanizes Bald Eagle Due to Bird Flu Outbreak

A bald eagle found with strong signs of bird flu in DuPage County has been euthanized, according to wildlife authorities. The eagle was discovered at Butler Cemetery on Friday afternoon and taken to the DuPage Wildlife Conservation Center for testing. After determining the eagle’s condition, officials chose to euthanize it due to the risk of spreading the disease.

This decision comes as the nation struggles with a surge in bird flu cases, with two recent deaths reported: one in Louisiana and another in Wisconsin. Health officials warn that anyone who has come into contact with infected animals or shows symptoms should stay home and seek medical attention.

Bird flu is caused by avian influenza A viruses and can be highly contagious. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, muscle aches, cough, eye infections (conjunctivitis), and more. Those who work with infected animals or have recreational exposure are at higher risk of infection.

To minimize the risk, health officials recommend washing hands and surfaces before handling food preparation, using separate utensils for raw meat and cooked food, and thoroughly cooking poultry and meat products. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is monitoring the situation closely and working with states to track individuals with animal exposures.

Source: https://wgntv.com/news/dupage-county/dupage-county-wildlife-officials-euthanize-bald-eagle-displaying-signs-of-bird-flu