Edible Arrangements Enters Cannabis Industry With Hemp Delivery Service

Edible Brands, the company behind Edible Arrangements, is expanding into the cannabis market with a new hemp delivery service called Edibles.com. The company will offer hemp gummies, drinks, and supplements for purchase online.

The move comes as the industry faces challenges due to changing regulations. Some states, such as California and Texas, have laws that restrict the sale of consumable hemp products containing THC. However, Edible Brands sees an opportunity in the market despite these challenges.

The company plans to launch hemp deliveries in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, with certain products available for shipping nationwide depending on state laws. Edible Brands is also preparing to disrupt the brick-and-mortar retail sector by launching a limited franchising program that will aim to democratize access to the THC industry.

The market development has been hailed as “a defining moment for the hemp industry” by Jake Bullock, CEO of Cann, which is part of Edible.com’s product offerings. The company aims to make high-quality, vetted products easily accessible to consumers through its online platform.

Source: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/company-behind-edible-arrangements-enters-cannabis-industry-with-new-hemp-delivery-service-and-a-different-kind-of-edible