ESA’s Groundbreaking Study Paves Way for Inclusive Spaceflight

The European Space Agency (ESA) has made a significant breakthrough in space exploration by successfully completing its Fly! Feasibility Study. The study, announced in November 2022, aimed to challenge the limitations posed by physical disabilities on human spaceflight.

Led by ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration Daniel Neuenschwander, the team achieved a major milestone by demonstrating that it is technically feasible to fly an individual with a physical disability, such as John McFall’s, on a six-month mission to the International Space Station. This groundbreaking study has marked the end of the feasibility phase and marks the beginning of the next phase: Fly! Mission Ready.

The goal of Fly! Mission Ready is to carry out the first long-term mission for an astronaut with a physical disability. The success of the Fly! Feasibility Study paves the way for inclusive space exploration, ensuring that everyone can contribute to our understanding of the cosmos and its benefits for life on Earth.
