EU Eyes Coalition with NATO Allies for Peace in Ukraine

European leaders met in London to form a plan to help end the war in Ukraine, but potential peacekeepers face significant political and economic hurdles. Britain and France have promised to muster a “coalition of the willing” to secure a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. However, it’s unclear how many countries will join, and whether this will be enough to satisfy President Trump.

Several northern European countries like Denmark and the Netherlands seem likely candidates, given their strong financial support for Ukraine’s war effort and NATO membership. Germany is also considered, despite its recent parliamentary elections, which may impact its ability to contribute to a peacekeeping force.

However, Hungary has already expressed skepticism about participating in such an operation, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban threatening to block statements of support for Ukraine at the upcoming E.U. summit meeting. This could have significant implications for efforts to keep Russian assets frozen when their decision is up for renewal this summer.

European leaders will gather on Thursday for a specially planned European Council meeting to discuss support for Ukraine and how to build up defense capabilities across the European Union. The diplomatic risks are high, particularly for Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who has cast himself as a bridge between Europe and the United States.
