Explore Winter Skies with Five Planets & Bright Stars

This month, get ready for a celestial treat as we explore five planets visible in the evening sky and track down two lesser-known constellations. Let’s take a closer look.

Four planets will be on display after sunset: Venus in the southwest, Jupiter nearly overhead, Mars in the east, and Saturn sinking towards the western horizon. Mercury will join them by month’s end, appearing low in the west near Saturn.

Looking for bright stars? Face west around 7 pm and you’ll see a plethora of options. However, turning to your left reveals an impressive sight: Jupiter, Mars, and several bright stars are visible despite light pollution.

Notice how many bright stars appear on this side of the Milky Way’s disk? The brightness is due to their proximity to our galaxy. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, shines at 8½ light years from Earth. Orion, nearby, is accompanied by two lesser-known constellations: Betelgeuse, Procyon, and Monoceros.

The Winter Triangle – formed by these stars – offers a stunning sight. Meanwhile, the second target requires a closer listen to this month’s Sky Tour podcast for its location and how to find it.

Stay tuned for the full podcast episode, now available for download or streaming, to continue exploring our cosmic neighborhood.

Source: https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/sky-tour-podcast-february-2025