A fake email, claiming to be from a Nintendo lawyer, has been sending threatening messages to YouTubers, prompting them to delete “Let’s Play” videos of various Nintendo titles. Despite being proven as fake, these phony DMCA claims continue to destroy the online creator space.
Nintendo is notorious for its strict copyright infringement and online takedowns, including lawsuits and removals of emulators and art. The company’s paranoia has led it to slam down on anyone suspected of abusing its property. However, this can also result in innocent creators being intimidated into deleting their content.
A recent report by The Verge revealed that a new form of internet troll is abusing Nintendo’s reputation by reporting fake takedowns and removals on innocent content creators. This has resulted in the “Let’s Play” video format being under attack, with malicious trolls making false claims to abuse YouTubers who create these types of videos.
One notable case is that of YouTuber Domtendo, who had a long run-in with a troll persona called Tatsumi Masaaki. Despite receiving threatening emails, Domtendo followed the demands at risk of channel termination due to copyright strikes. However, Nintendo eventually responded by stating that the fake email address was not legitimate.
The situation highlights how fragile DMCA takedowns and copyright infringement seem to be in online spaces. False takedown threats on YouTube can have severe consequences for creators, who may lose their entire channel due to a few copyright strikes. The system is often designed to help protect creators from plagiarism and copyright abuse, but it has also been exploited by companies and individuals to harass and intimidate them.
The Verge’s report revealed that over 6% of takedown requests on YouTube are likely false. This raises questions about why the system has not implemented more advanced protection for creators who make false claims. The situation highlights how a few bad apples can poke fragile holes in YouTube’s entire system, leaving innocent creators vulnerable to harassment and intimidation.
In this context, the threat of fake DMCA takedowns and copyright infringement is a serious concern for online creators. It is essential that platforms like YouTube take steps to protect their users from these types of threats and ensure that the system is fair and equitable for all creators.
Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/fake-email-nintendo-youtubers-dmca-takedowns