FBI Warns of Cyber Espionage, Urges Phone Users to Encrypt Text Messages

The FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have issued a warning about hackers affiliated with China targeting phone users in a cyber espionage campaign. The hackers are focusing on individuals involved in government or political activity, but anyone can be affected.

To protect themselves, smartphone users should use secure texting apps like WhatsApp or Signal. Messages between Apple devices and Android devices are safe, but those sent to someone with a different operating system, such as an iPhone sending messages to an Android user, require encryption.

To encrypt text messages with WhatsApp, download the app from the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play (for Android), accept terms and conditions, and verify your phone number. You’ll also need to provide some personal information.

Similarly, to use Signal, download it from the same stores, follow the same steps, and create a profile with your name and PIN. Both apps are free to use and require Wi-Fi or cellular data.

By using encrypted texting apps, users can safeguard their messages against interception by hackers.

Source: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/tips/2024/12/11/how-to-encrypt-text-messages/76923892007