FDA Unveils Berry Virus Prevention Strategy

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a new strategy to prevent the contamination of fresh and frozen berries with enteric viruses. This comes after numerous outbreaks linked to berry imports have been reported globally.

Outbreaks in the US and abroad have highlighted recurring issues that inform the FDA’s preventive actions. The agency aims to reduce the risk of viruses in berries by identifying effective practices, fostering scientific research, and enhancing detection methods.

The new strategy outlines actions for the FDA, industry, and other stakeholders to take to prevent contamination. It includes efforts to improve communication, apply effective prevention measures consistently, and conduct surveillance monitoring.

According to Conrad Choiniere, Director of the Office of Microbiological Food Safety at the FDA’s Human Food Program, collaboration between regulators, industry, and other interest holders is crucial for strategy success. The FDA invites continued collaboration to ensure its effectiveness in preventing foodborne illness linked to berries.

Source: https://www.fda.gov/food/hfp-constituent-updates/fda-releases-prevention-strategy-control-enteric-viruses-berries