A 7-year-old unopened voicemail on my mom’s number in Sugar House Park sparked an emotional journey through our past and the present. When I synced my new Fitbit to my phone, it started sending reminders about unopened voicemails from my mother, who passed away last year.
The messages are mostly simple requests for things she needed or just a way to stay connected during her time in a Salt Lake City care center after a health crisis. The notifications have become a bittersweet reminder of the love we shared and the struggles she faced with losing her mobility and independence.
I reached out to Fitbit’s company spokesperson, Andrea Holing, who explained that the notifications are just reflecting my phone’s behavior when it comes to unread voicemails. But for me, it’s more than that – it’s a way to relive our conversations and cherish every moment I had with her.
The messages range from requests for things she needed, like a call light or water in her bottle, to expressions of love and gratitude. Some are even funny, like the time she asked me to smuggle in bourbon! Listening to these voicemails again has brought back happy memories and made me appreciate our bond even more.
Now, with Fitbit’s help, I’ve found a way to savor these messages one by one, replaying each voicemail multiple times to relive the joy or frustration in my mother’s voice. It may be a bittersweet reminder of what I’ve lost, but it’s also a celebration of our love and the time we shared together.
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2025/02/08/fitbit-voicemail-grief-mom-phone