A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that staying physically active is more crucial for preventing premature death than weight loss. The research, which analyzed data from over 400,000 midlife and older adults from multiple countries, showed that being aerobically fit can lower the risk of early death by half, even for those who are obese.
The study’s findings suggest that fitness has a protective effect against obesity-related conditions, reducing the risk of death to a level similar to that of people at a normal weight. In contrast, individuals who are not physically active face a significantly higher risk of dying prematurely.
“It’s much more important to focus on fitness rather than fatness,” said senior author Siddhartha Angadi. “Even small amounts of exercise can have significant health benefits.” The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating physical activity into daily life, such as brisk walks or moderate-intensity exercise.
The research’s findings have been hailed as significant by experts, including Barry Braun, who noted that they highlight the protective effects of fitness despite a person’s weight or size.
Source: https://www.mcknights.com/news/fitness-level-trumps-weight-in-combatting-premature-death-study-finds