Former NASA Astronaut Shares Baffling Encounter with ‘Metallic Orbs’

Former NASA astronaut Dr. Leroy Chiao recounted a stunning encounter while flying his plane over Texas last summer, where he nearly collided with two metallic orbs. The objects, which were about 20 feet away and moving at the same speed as his plane, left him baffled by their “no visible means of propulsion.”

Chiao described the orbs as smooth and shiny, and witnessed them on a sunny day with clear skies and good visibility. He initially thought they might be related to a Pentagon report featuring pointy metallic orbs captured on military radar in Iraq.

Despite investigating various explanations, Chiao remains stumped by the mystery. As an aviation expert, he knows that weather balloons and other objects would show up on his flight radar, but these objects did not disturb the air around him.

“I didn’t see any visible means of propulsion,” Chiao said, echoing the puzzlement. “You gotta have a jet engine or a propeller or something.” He speculates that the orbs might be attributed to a secret military program, but rejects otherworldly explanations for now.

The astronaut believes in the possibility of extraterrestrial life but remains uncertain about alien visitations. Chiao has spent years flying and owning his own plane, and claims that this encounter was an unusual event even for him.

“I have trouble believing that aliens have visited us,” Chiao said, emphasizing that the universe is vast and it’s hard to imagine what kind of propulsion system would work for such objects.
