The prestigious Hugo awards for science fiction and fantasy writing has revealed that almost 400 votes were fraudulently paid for to help one finalist win. This is about 10% of all the votes cast this year.
The Hugo administration subcommittee found that 377 votes came from individuals with fake names or other disqualifying characteristics, such as identical surnames or names that are translations of consecutive numbers.
The voting pattern was unusual and most of the votes were for one finalist. The subcommittee is not naming this person because they may not have been aware of the fraudulent votes.
Only members of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) can nominate works for the Hugos and vote on finalists, which costs at least £45 each year. Paying for 377 memberships would have cost at least £16,965.
The Hugo administration subcommittee received a report that one person sponsored the purchase of WSFS memberships by large numbers of individuals who were refunded after voting as the sponsor wished.
After investigating, it was determined that 377 votes were fraudulent and had been omitted from the final tally. The finalist has not been disqualified but did not win their category without these invalid votes.
The Hugo administration subcommittee wants to assure voters and winners that the ballots cast were counted fairly and that this year’s Hugos have been won fair and square.