Glass of Milk a Day Could Cut Bowel Cancer Risk by a Fifth

A new study has found that drinking a glass of milk a day could reduce the risk of bowel cancer by nearly a fifth. Researchers analyzed data from over 542,000 women to investigate the link between dietary products and nutrients and the development of bowel cancer.

The study discovered that consuming an additional 300mg of calcium per day, equivalent to about half a large glass of milk, was associated with a 17% decrease in the risk of bowel cancer. This effect was seen regardless of whether the women consumed dairy or non-dairy sources of calcium.

Calcium was found to have a protective effect from both dairy and non-dairy products, suggesting that it is the main factor responsible for reducing the risk of bowel cancer. However, eating large amounts of cheese or ice cream did not have this effect.

The researchers also found that drinking an extra 20g of alcohol per day increased the risk of bowel cancer by 15%. Red and processed meat were also associated with a higher risk of bowel cancer.

The study highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, alongside other lifestyle factors such as keeping a healthy weight and stopping smoking. The findings support the idea that dairy products like milk can be part of a diet that reduces bowel cancer risk.

However, some experts have expressed concerns about the long-term implications of this finding, particularly given the declining consumption of dairy products in younger generations.
