Goldman Sachs Announces Major Leadership Changes and New Division

Goldman Sachs has made significant changes to its leadership, including the creation of a new division focused on financing large deals and providing loans to corporate clients. The Capital Solutions Group will expand the bank’s services for corporate clients as part of its global banking and markets unit.

New leadership appointments include Pat Fels and Mike Nickols as global co-heads of the Financial Institutions Group (FIG). Anshul Sehgal and Jason Brauth will oversee Agency Mortgage Trading, Non-Agency Trading, and Collateralized Lending Risk.

The Capital Solutions Group’s executive titles are:

* Credit & Asset: Christina Minnis, Global head
* Finance: Rob Pulford and Mike Nickols, Global co-heads
* Strategic: Jonathan Barry

Other divisions include Investors Group, Investment Grade, Capital Markets, Equities, EMEA, Asia, Pacific, Alternative Markets, Commercial Real Estate, and Residential.

The changes are part of Goldman Sachs’ efforts to expand its services for corporate clients. The new leadership appointments reflect the bank’s commitment to adapting to changing market conditions.
