Google Rolls Out Gemini Utilities Extension for Android Devices

Google has begun rolling out the Gemini Utilities Extension, a new tool that allows users to control their Android mobile devices and apps with voice and text prompts. The extension replaces the current Google Assistant fallback for a more native experience.

Initially available in English only, the extension is gradually being released to users. It offers various features, including managing alarms and timers, opening apps, controlling media, and more. Users can request multiple actions at once, turn on or off device features such as flashlight and battery saver, and even take photos and screenshots.

Some of these features are available when using the Gemini mobile app from your lockscreen, allowing users to set and silence alarms, turn features on or off, and check their device’s volume and battery level. The extension also integrates with other Google services, such as the Clock app by Google, which enables users to set and manage alarms and timers.

While some features are already available, others, such as taking a selfie, require a premium experience. Users can explore various prompts to discover what they can do with the Gemini Utilities Extension. As of now, it’s essential to note that not all features are widely available yet, but Google is working to roll out the extension gradually.

Key Features:

* Manage alarms and timers
* Open apps and settings menus
* Control media playback
* Take photos and screenshots
* Turn on or off device features such as flashlight and battery saver
* Request multiple actions at once

Note: The Gemini Utilities Extension is part of Google’s October Pixel Drop update.
