‘Groundbreaking’ Jurassic Bird Fossil Discovered in China

Scientists have discovered a 149-million-year-old bird fossil in southeastern China that could rewrite the evolutionary history of birds. The fossil, named Baminornis zhenghensis, is dated to the Jurassic Period and features several characteristics of modern birds, including shoulder and pelvic girdles as well as a short tail.

The discovery challenges the long-held idea that Archaeopteryx was the only bird found in the Jurassic Period. Instead, Baminornis appears to be an intermediate link between dinosaurs and modern avians, with many traits similar to those of modern birds. The fossil’s short tail is particularly significant, as it helped shift the bird’s center of mass forward, making it more aerodynamic.

The discovery pushes back the appearance of this derived bird feature by nearly 20 million years and provides a new understanding of the evolutionary history of birds during the Jurassic Period. According to paleontologists, Baminornis likely lived between 164-172 million years ago, suggesting that millions of additional years of bird evolution may have occurred before its time.

This landmark discovery ranks among the most important bird fossils unearthed since the discovery of Archaeopteryx in the early 1860s. It highlights the complexity and diversity of ancient bird species and underscores the importance of continued research into the evolutionary history of birds.

Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-discover-groundbreaking-jurassic-fossil-that-could-overhaul-the-evolutionary-history-of-birds-180986063