GTA Trilogy Console Patch Fixes Visual Issues After Three Years

Rockstar Games has finally released a long-overdue console patch for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, bringing significant visual improvements to Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC players. The update, which was not previously announced, addresses several issues that plagued the game when it launched three years ago.

The most notable changes include improved lighting, shadows, reflections, and draw distance, making the game’s visuals more faithful to its original counterparts. Classic Lighting settings have been added for each title, transforming Los Santos in San Andreas into its iconic orange-hazed version, with Vice City and GTA 3 also receiving similar updates.

Additional features include new fire and glass breaking effects, extra bloom and flare, and improved weather patterns in San Andreas. However, it’s worth noting that the update is only available for current generation consoles and PC, leaving older platforms like Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One unaffected.

Grove Street Games, the developer behind the ported versions of GTA: The Trilogy, has been removed from the opening credit screens on console and PC versions, possibly indicating they were not involved in recent updates.
