When negativity looms, five metaphors help us resume positivity. Here’s how:
Non-toxic positivity involves acknowledging difficulties and seeking out positives. We can find ways to shift our perspective in both short-term and long-term situations.
One metaphor is like diluting salty water with more pleasant water – we can’t delete negative experiences but adding positives can make them less prominent. Another metaphor is like adding yogurt to spicy food, making it more palatable.
We can also “mine for gems” by finding small comforts amidst difficulties. And when feeling overwhelmed, taking breaks from negative thoughts or engaging in mindfulness activities like finding a rainbow (identifying five colorful objects) can help shift our focus.
Remember that difficulties are part of life, but we can balance acceptance with positive shifts. By doing so, we can reduce the sting of sadness and distress without suppressing all negative emotions.+
+Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mindful-metaphors/202407/non-toxic-positivity