Unfortunately, it seems like your browser is not able to load the webpage properly due to a disabled JavaScript. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
To enable JavaScript in most browsers, follow these simple steps:
For Google Chrome:
1. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the browser.
2. Select ‘Settings.’
3. Scroll down to ‘Advanced’ and click on it.
4. Look for the option that says ‘Site settings,’ then select it.
5. Under Site settings, toggle the switch next to ‘JavaScript’ to enable it.
For Mozilla Firefox:
1. Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the browser.
2. Select ‘Options.’
3. Go to the ‘Content’ section and click ‘Privacy & Security.’
4. Scroll down to ‘Scripting’ and toggle the switch next to ‘Enable JavaScript for all websites’ to enable it.
For Microsoft Edge:
1. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the browser.
2. Select ‘Settings.’
3. Go to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Site settings.’
4. Toggle the switch next to ‘JavaScript’ to enable it.
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact our support team at [email protected] for further assistance.
Source: https://www.wivb.com/news/new-york/state-officials-warn-of-e-zpass-text-message-scam