Ikarian Secrets to Low Dementia Rates Uncovered

Ikaria, a picturesque Greek island, is renowned not only for its breathtaking landscapes and pleasant weather but also for its inhabitants’ remarkable longevity. Research on the island’s extraordinary lifespans has garnered significant attention worldwide, particularly with regards to its low incidence of dementia.

Dan Buettner, a leading expert on longevity, discussed the remarkable findings during an interview on the Live Well Be Well podcast. He revealed that people from Ikaria live approximately eight years longer than US citizens, largely without dementia. According to Buettner, every person aged over 65 in Ikaria showed only three very mild cases of dementia.

Buettner attributes the low dementia rates to several lifestyle factors, including consuming herbal tea made with wild herbs and sweetened with local honey. He suggests that these herbs possess anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to the islanders’ maintained cognitive health.

The Ikarian diet also features coffee as a significant component, with “copious amounts” consumed daily. Studies have linked this beverage to lower rates of dementia and Parkinson’s disease. A 2021 study published in PLOS Medicine found that individuals who drank two to three cups of coffee and tea daily had a roughly 30 percent lower risk of dementia or stroke compared to those who didn’t consume these beverages.

These findings offer valuable insights into the Ikarian lifestyle, which may hold secrets to healthy aging and reduced dementia rates.

Source: https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/dementia-incredibly-rare-island-locals-31016551