India Tops Internet Shutdowns Record with 155 Disruptions

A new report by the Software Freedom Law Centre ( reveals that internet shutdowns in India reached a record high in 2023 and 2024, with 155 disruptions, making it the country with the most shut-downs globally. The report, “Let the Net Work 2.0,” highlights the negative impact of frequent internet suspensions on essential services, free expression, and dissent.

According to, the organization tracked 96 shutdowns in India alone in 2023, exceeding those in conflict-ridden countries such as Myanmar and Iran. The disruptions often stem from regional security concerns, protests, or attempts to curb cheating during exams. Local governments, including those in Haryana and Manipur, also imposed multiple shutdowns in 2024.

The report emphasizes that internet shutdowns restrict access to online education and banking services, stifle free speech, and create negative ripple effects on the economy and education. founder Mishi Choudhary hopes that public awareness will lead to more thoughtful policies on internet shutdowns, calling for policymakers to treat internet access as a fundamental right rather than a privilege. is a donor-supported legal services organization established in 2010, promoting open knowledge, free expression, online privacy, innovation, and equality in India.
