Indiana Coach Hire Exposes Hypocrisy in Coaching Change

Indiana University’s latest coaching hire has exposed a glaring hypocrisy among its leadership, particularly when it comes to financial incentives and loyalty. Darian DeVries, who left West Virginia for the new gig, is just the latest example of a coach jumping from one high-paying job to another.

DeVries’ career trajectory mirrors that of other coaches, but what’s often overlooked is how this behavior affects players, programs, and the overall college sports experience. While DeVries has spoken about his vision for Indiana basketball, it’s hard not to notice the stark contrast between his words and actions.

In a press conference just over a year ago, DeVries declared that West Virginia was “a place that we could see ourselves here for a very, very long time.” However, just 11 months later, he was off to bigger and better opportunities. The same can be said for many coaches and players who are constantly jumping ship in search of the next big payday.

Indiana’s willingness to pay DeVries a significant buyout, which included the remaining 2024 buyout West Virginia paid to Drake, raises questions about loyalty and fairness. Is it any wonder that fans and players feel disloyalty is not always rewarded?

The comparison between DeVries’ situation and quarterback John Mateer’s transfer from Washington State to Oklahoma highlights the absurdity of this situation. Both received massive pay raises, and both will face intense pressure to perform.

In an effort to distance itself from criticism about player movement and college sports’ unsustainable financial structure, university leaders would do well to examine their own hypocrisy. The message that “do as I say, not as I do” is loud and clear in this case.
