Industrial Project Threatens European Southern Observatory’s Paranal Telescope

Astronomers are facing a new challenge as an industrial megaproject threatens the view of the world’s best observatories. The European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Paranal telescope, located in Chile, is at risk due to a proposed 3,000-hectare industrial area with hydrogen and ammonium factories, electricity-generating machinery, and excessive lighting.

The ESO has expressed concerns about the potential impact of light pollution from the project on its research capabilities. A recent study found that Paranal is one of the darkest observational sites in the world, making it essential for sensitive telescopes like the one located there.

The telescope has contributed significantly to research, including Nobel Prize-winning studies into the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The Chilean government’s approval of this project could undermine investment from ESO and other astronomical bodies, hindering future research opportunities.

As the environmental impact assessment phase is ongoing, it remains early enough for the government to consider alternative locations for the industrial facility. While some support for the concept has been shown by the ESO letter, relocating the project to a different site may be necessary to avoid negatively affecting the telescope’s capabilities.
