Iowa Reports Avian Flu Cases Amid Migrant Bird Surge

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has detected a sharp increase in migrating birds north of Interstate 80, following a year without avian influenza (H5N1) sightings. The virus is known for its high mortality rate and can jump species. This current strain has affected cattle and humans, with recent cases reported in Linn County.

Residents are advised to look out for unusual bird behavior, including:

– Twisting heads or necks
– Swimming in tight circles
– Twitches or tremors
– Flocking birds that are quiet and alone, unable to fly away when approached

If you encounter a wild animal or pet with these symptoms or abnormal behavior, avoid touching or approaching it. Keep pets and children at a distance.

Call the non-emergency dispatch number (319) 356-6800 to report any concerns. If you suspect avian influenza exposure, quarantine immediately and contact your physician for guidance.
