Thousands of Israelis gathered outside the Parliament building in Jerusalem on Wednesday, calling for a renewed cease-fire deal in Gaza and protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s domestic politics. The protests come a day after Israel carried out deadly aerial attacks across the Gaza Strip, killing over 400 people.
Critics accuse Mr. Netanyahu of prioritizing his political survival over the country’s best interests, as he faces opposition from within his own government. The Israeli leader appears to be emboldened by President Trump’s backing, but critics argue that this support is a double-edged sword, leaving Israel vulnerable if the US changes its stance.
Protesters demand that the hostages held in Gaza should be released at any cost, while Mr. Netanyahu defends the surprise attack on Tuesday, saying it was an opening salvo to pressure Hamas into releasing more hostages. The situation remains uncertain, with negotiations stalled and tensions running high.
Opinion polls indicate that a majority of Israelis favor a complete cessation of hostilities in Gaza, but the government’s handling of the crisis has sparked widespread anger among protesters. As the country grapples with its best interests, one thing is clear: the protests will continue to demand change and accountability from those in power.