John Oliver Mocks US Shift to ‘Monarchy Era’

Comedian John Oliver returned to “The Daily Show” to mock America’s shift towards a monarchy-style government, surprising host Jon Stewart with his appearance and gloating about ushering the country into this new era. During Stewart’s monologue, Oliver crashed in, saying he was there to gloat about America’s apparent regression from its constitutional republic roots.

Oliver cited examples of President Donald Trump’s executive orders, including renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America, and joked that America had “spent its wild teen years” experimenting with democracy. He even teased the country for vowing not to be like Britain, saying they still owed America for the tea-throwing revolution.

Oliver encouraged Stewart to embrace being a monarchy, claiming “kings get shit done.” However, Stewart argued that Britain hadn’t turned out much better than America and criticized Trump’s actions as “invasions” and “economic exploitations.” Despite this, Oliver remained optimistic, saying America had become its father – a monarchical system.
