Louisiana is the only state with high flu rates, according to a recent map of flu activity across the US. The state’s hospitals are experiencing a surge in patients due to RSV levels in wastewater, which are “off the charts” for RSV.
“We’re chock full,” said Dr. Mark Kline, an infectious disease expert at Children’s Hospital New Orleans. “The hospital is boarding patients in emergency departments and post-anesthesia areas.”
Children’s Hospital has 34 NICU beds filled with babies in need of care. The hospital is not turning anyone away.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Louisiana ranks a level 10 out of 13 for flu activity overall. Ochsner Health, the state’s largest health system, is also seeing higher flu levels “across the board.”
RSV levels are soaring in wastewater across the state. Children ages two to four make up about 17% of flu diagnoses, while children under one and those aged two-4 make up most RSV emergency visits.
Wastewater trends show high levels of both RSV and flu, with several “very high” flu hotspots emerging in Louisiana. Vaccinations for flu are down, with only about 28% of kids and 35% of adults vaccinated. An immunization for RSV is available for those over 60, pregnant women, and vulnerable children.
The timing of the surge in RSV and flu cases is causing strain on hospitals. Respiratory virus season can extend until May, and vaccines take about two weeks to take full effect.
Source: https://www.nola.com/news/healthcare_hospitals/flu-rsv-louisiana-united-states-doctor/article_5ac9fdf8-bcc3-11ef-9ab1-e7a90ec08126.html