Miami Beach Buildings Sinking Due to Ground Settlement

A recent study by researchers at the University of Miami found that 35 coastal buildings in Miami Beach and surrounding areas are sinking due to ground settlement, known as subsidence. Professor Gregor Eberli, one of the study’s authors, said that while the rates of subsidence are relatively small (2-8 centimeters), it is still a notable phenomenon.

The study used satellite imagery to track building movement over time and found consistent subsidence patterns across a long distance. However, Eberli noted that sturdier limestone in southern Florida holds up better than softer ground in the north, which can cause buildings to sink.

While the study’s findings are not alarming, Eberli emphasizes the need for further monitoring efforts and research. Some city leaders have expressed interest in exploring this issue, with Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett planning to bring it up at a town commission meeting.
