Microplastics Found Inside Humans, Raises Health Concerns

Tiny plastic fragments have been discovered inside human beings, sparking alarm over potential long-term health effects. Recent research has identified micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in various human tissues, including lungs, gut, reproductive organs, skin, and blood.

The presence of these tiny particles is concerning, as they can take up residence, linger, and cause harm even if they pass through without causing immediate issues. Studies have linked MNPs to heart and blood vessel conditions, intestinal diseases, changes in reproductive systems, and increased risk of cervical cancer.

Laboratory tests show that these particles can cross protective hurdles, including the body’s natural filters. This raises concerns about neurological issues, as plastic fragments may influence how nerve cells work along the gut-brain axis.

The global issue of microplastics is not limited to ocean pollution or landfills; they have become a ubiquitous problem, found in air, water, food, and even human tissues. The discovery highlights the need for stricter rules around plastic manufacturing, recycling, and disposal, as well as improved waste management practices.

Public health agencies may need to update guidelines to consider tiny plastic fragments as contaminants. Research is ongoing to measure the full extent of the problem, develop new technology to track these fragments, and understand their chemical reactions inside the body.

Individuals can reduce their exposure by avoiding products that shed plastic fibers, supporting brands that move away from plastic use, and advocating for better waste management practices. Officials can encourage companies to design products with health and environment in mind, and stricter oversight may help keep these hidden threats in check.

Awareness of this issue can drive action, and the public can stay informed and join conversations that shape future policies. More funding, better research, and oversight are necessary to address this growing concern and protect human health.

Source: https://www.earth.com/news/micro-nano-plastic-mnps-found-hiding-deep-inside-the-human-body