Microplastics Found to Cause Brain Blood Flow Blockages in Mice

A new study has shed light on the potential dangers of microplastics, finding that these tiny fragments can cause blockages in brain blood vessels. Researchers from the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences tracked microplastics in mouse brains using high-resolution laser-based imaging techniques.

The study revealed that microplastic-laden immune cells became lodged inside blood vessels in the cortex area of the brain, disrupting tissue function and regulating cell obstruction. The researchers found similarities between these blockages and blood clots, as well as impaired brain function in mice with microplastics.

Smaller microplastics were less likely to cause blockages than larger ones, but even they led to cognitive impairments in movement, memory, and coordination tests. Although most behaviors returned to normal after a month, the researchers suggest potential links to neurological problems like depression and anxiety, as well as increased risks of strokes and cardiovascular disease.

While mice are not identical to humans, their biology makes them suitable for studying microplastic effects. The study highlights the need for further research on the mechanisms behind these blockages, long-term effects, and which animals may be affected.

Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/microplastics-can-block-blood-flow-in-the-brain-study-in-mice-shows