Monster Hunter Wilds: It’s Easier, But Still a Blast

The latest installment in the Monster Hunter series, Wilds, has sparked controversy among fans with reviews suggesting it may be too easy. However, after playing almost 50 hours myself, I disagree that it’s that serious. While it’s true that Wilds is easier than previous games, I believe this ease doesn’t detract from its enjoyment.

Critics have noted that the combat system has never felt better, but some argue that hunting has been streamlined to an extent that makes monsters less challenging. IGN’s Tom Marks agreed with me, saying he didn’t need to upgrade his gear as he cleared most content without dying. I’ve had similar experiences, soloing endgame Tempered monsters in under seven minutes.

However, I believe the pendulum has swung back since the early days of Molten Tigrex, where hunters had limited tools and monster power increased accordingly. In Wilds, we have access to new reactive and damage-dealing tools that make hunting more enjoyable. While some players may find it too easy at launch, I think this is a shortcoming that can be addressed through future patches and mega-monsters.

As someone who’s played Monster Hunter for 10 years, I can attest that Wilds offers the best combat in the series. Fitting monsters with variety and tracking preparation side of hunting feels better than ever. While I acknowledge some players may find it shallow, I believe this is a matter of personal preference.

Ultimately, Monster Hunter Wilds is not a hard game, but an incredibly fun one. With the addition of parry-esque offset attacks and Focus Mode, monsters can be locked down for extended periods, making each hunt feel unique and rewarding. If you’re new to the series or looking for a more casual experience, Wilds may be perfect for you. But if you’re like me – always seeking out difficult action RPGs – you’ll still find plenty of challenge and enjoyment in this game.
