Murdoch Family Trust Ruling Slams Lachlan Control Bid

Rupert Murdoch’s attempt to change his family’s trust has been rejected, according to a Nevada probate commissioner. The decision blocks Lachlan Murdoch’s effort to gain control of the Fox News media empire and ensure its conservative editorial stance.

The trust, which divides control among four of Rupert Murdoch’s children after his death, was amended in an attempt to secure Lachlan’s leadership role at Fox News. However, a probate commissioner has ruled that this move would be an “attempt to stack the deck” and favor Lachlan’s interests over others.

The decision comes amid concerns about Lachlan’s more moderate views compared to his father’s and brother’s conservative stances. The elder Murdochs have argued that changing the trust is necessary to preserve the commercial value of their businesses for all heirs.

In a statement, lawyers for Rupert Murdoch expressed disappointment with the ruling and plan to appeal. However, Prudence, Elisabeth, and James Murdoch welcomed the decision, hoping it would allow their family to focus on rebuilding relationships after the lengthy court battle.
