NASA Tracks Asteroid 2024 YR4 with James Webb Space Telescope

Astronomers are closely monitoring asteroid 2024 YR4, which has a 2% chance of hitting Earth in 2032. The asteroid’s size is estimated to be between 131 and 295 feet wide, comparable to that of a large building. To gather more data before it fades from view in April, scientists are using the powerful eye of the James Webb Space Telescope.

The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescope discovered 2024 YR4 on December 27 and has been tracking its movements with multiple observatories, including the Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Danish Telescope, and Pan-STARRS in Hawaii. Tracking the asteroid is crucial to determine its size and orbit.

If the asteroid disappears from view before space agencies can rule out any chance of impact, it will remain on the risk list until June 2028. Current estimates suggest that 2024 YR4 returns to Earth’s vicinity every four years, but it won’t pose a threat in 2028.

The potential risks of an asteroid impact are significant, with blast damage possible as far as 31 miles from the impact site if the asteroid hits at high speed. Scientists estimate that smaller asteroids like 2024 YR4 can cause regional devastation, while larger asteroids could have devastating effects on life.
