NASA Unveils Detailed Map of Earth’s Ocean Floor

NASA has released a groundbreaking map of the ocean floor, utilizing data from its Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite. The map provides unprecedented detail on seafloor features such as underwater mountains, abyssal hills, and continental margins.

The SWOT satellite measures sea surface height with centimeter-level accuracy, detecting subtle gravity signatures caused by these features. This allows researchers to create a global picture of the ocean floor, essential for navigation, seabed warfare operations, and understanding deep-sea currents and tides.

Accurate seafloor maps are crucial for various economic opportunities, including rare-mineral seabed mining, shipping routes optimization, and hazard detection. They also provide insight into geologic processes like plate tectonics and the effects of ocean floor features on ecosystems that support human communities.

The SWOT satellite’s data complements an international effort to map the entire seafloor using ship-based sonar by 2030. While not all the sea floor can be mapped in time, the SWOT satellite will fill in the gaps, bringing researchers closer to achieving this objective.

The improved view from SWOT also reveals new insights into the geologic history of the planet, particularly with regards to abyssal hills – the most abundant landform on Earth. These features form parallel bands where tectonic plates spread apart, providing clues about the movement of these plates over time.

By utilizing its advanced technology, NASA has created a significant milestone in ocean floor mapping, paving the way for further research and exploration of our planet’s vast oceanic environments.
