NBCUniversal Cookie Policy Explained

NBCUniversal uses cookies for various purposes, including analytics, advertising, and content management. This cookie policy explains how we collect, store, and use your data.

**What are cookies?**

Cookies are small files stored on your device to help us remember you and provide a better experience.

**Types of cookies used by NBCUniversal:**

1. **Analytics Cookies:** Help us track website usage, pages visited, and time spent on our site.
2. **Advertising Cookies:** Target ads based on your interests, behaviors, and demographics.
3. **Interest-Based Advertising Cookies:** Allow us to personalize ad content and targeting.

**How do I manage cookies?**

You can manage cookies through your browser settings or by using third-party opt-out tools. To disable cookies, follow these steps:

– Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced > Privacy > Content settings
– Apple Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Cookies and website data
– Mozilla Firefox: Options > Advanced > Network > Cookie Management
– Microsoft Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy

You can also opt out of our analytics cookies, interest-based advertising cookies, and other providers’ cookies using their individual opt-out mechanisms.

**What happens if I disable or remove cookies?**

If you disable or remove cookies, some parts of the NBCUniversal website may not function properly. Information may still be collected and used for research, online services analytics, or internal operations.

**How can I contact us?**

For inquiries about this Cookie Notice, please contact us at [email protected] or Chief Privacy Officer, NBCUniversal Legal Department, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, US.

Source: https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/member-of-flight-crew-detained-before-international-flight-from-logan-airport/3638059