NBCUniversal Cookie Policy Explained

NBCUniversal uses cookies for analytics, advertising, and other purposes. This cookie policy explains how cookies are used, how to manage them, and the consequences of disabling or removing them.

NBCUniversal uses cookies on its websites and applications to collect information about users’ browsing behavior, preferences, and device details. Cookies are also used for analytics, advertising, and other business purposes.

**Types of Cookies Used**

* Analytics cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website, including page views, clicks, and search queries.
* Advertising cookies: These cookies enable targeted ads based on user behavior, demographics, and interests.
* Session cookies: These cookies are deleted when the browser is closed.

**Managing Cookies**

You can manage cookies through your browser settings or by using third-party opt-out tools. Here’s how:

1. **Browser Controls**: Most browsers have built-in controls to disable and manage cookies. For example:
* Google Chrome: chrome://settings/cookies
* Apple Safari: preferences > Privacy > Cookies
* Mozilla Firefox: options > Advanced > Network > Cookies
2. **Analytics Provider Opt-Outs**: You can opt-out of analytics cookies by using the following tools:
* Google Analytics Opt-Out (https://www.google.com/analytics/optout/)
* Omniture’s Opt-Out (https://www.omniture.com/en/privacy/corporate/cookies)
3. **Advertising Providers’ Opt-Outs**: Many advertising providers offer opt-out mechanisms, such as:
* Digital Advertising Alliance (https://optout.aboutads.info/)
* Facebook’s Opt-Out (https://www.facebook.com/privacy/center/)
4. **Mobile Settings**: You can manage the collection of information for interest-based advertising purposes in mobile apps via your device’s settings.

**Consequences of Deactivating Cookies**

If you disable or remove cookies, some parts of NBCUniversal’s websites and applications may not function properly. Information may still be collected and used for other purposes, such as research, online services analytics, or internal operations.

**Changes to this Policy**

This cookie policy may be revised occasionally in accordance with legal requirements. Please revisit this policy regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies.

If you have any questions or concerns about NBCUniversal’s cookie policy, please contact us at [Privacy@nbcuni.com](mailto:Privacy@nbcuni.com) or visit the NBCUniversal website for more information.

Source: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/queens/laguardia-american-airlines-bird-strike-jfk/6066775