NBCUniversal uses cookies on its websites, apps, and other digital platforms for various purposes, including analytics, advertising, and content management. This cookie policy explains how we use cookies, what types of cookies we use, and how you can manage or opt-out of them.
Types of Cookies:
We use two main categories of cookies: essential and non-essential cookies.
* Essential cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our websites and apps.
These include cookies used for session management, security, and functionality purposes. We do not collect any personal data with these types of cookies.
* Non-essential cookies are used to track your browsing behavior, provide personalized advertising, and improve our services.
How We Use Cookies:
We use cookies to:
1. Track your interactions on our websites and apps
2. Provide personalized content recommendations
3. Display targeted advertisements
4. Analyze user behavior for improvement purposes
Managing or Opting Out of Cookies:
You can manage or opt out of our cookies by:
* Disabling cookies in your browser settings (see the instructions below)
* Using third-party cookie management tools and services
* Contacting us directly to request assistance with managing cookies
Source: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/new-york-city/bird-flu-positive-in-nyc-cats/6187573