A new coronavirus feared to spread to humans has been discovered by Chinese-linked scientists. Researchers from Brazil and colleagues detected the strain after collecting swab samples from the mouths and rectums of bats. The virus is closely related to MERS, a disease that kills about 35% of those infected.
The discovery was made during an expedition in South America and Mexico. Tests will be conducted in China to determine whether the virus can infect human cells. Despite concerns, lead researcher Dr. Bruna Silverio said the team is unsure if it can infect humans.
The new coronavirus is being transported to China along with six other viruses discovered during the expedition. Scientists detected parts of the virus’s spike protein, which suggests potential interaction with MERS-CoV. The team plans to conduct experiments in Hong Kong to find out more.
MERS is a contagious respiratory illness spread from animals to humans and from human to human. It causes symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. There is no vaccine against the virus, which has triggered 2,613 cases and 943 deaths worldwide.
The discovery comes three weeks after Chinese scientists revealed another coronavirus that could spread to humans. The new strain, HKU5-CoV-2, is strikingly similar to the pandemic virus, sparking fears of a repeat of history.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14499027/new-coronavirus-discovery-bats-chinese-scientist.html