New Data from Space Telescopes Challenges Our Understanding of the Universe

Astronomers are analyzing new data from three experiments that use different approaches to study the cosmos, revealing fresh insights into the universe’s composition. Each experiment surveys vast volumes of space at high precision to gather information that cannot be obtained by focusing on individual celestial objects.

Researchers are using these results to rule out theories that do not fit with the current understanding of the universe. For instance, one experiment has hinted at a divergence from predictions, which could expose a crack in the dominant cosmological paradigm.

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the Euclid space telescope are two of the experiments that have made significant discoveries. ACT mapped the cosmic microwave background, revealing fluctuations across the sky that reveal the relative abundance of matter, dark matter, and dark energy.

According to ACT, these components account for 100 billion trillion suns worth of mass, with dark matter making up about 500 zeta-suns and dark energy accounting for 1,300 zeta-suns. The measurements are independent of previous data and suggest that dark matter may be a form of massive particle that rarely interacts with ordinary matter.

In contrast, the Euclid space telescope has revealed tens of millions of previously unseen galaxies, providing statistical power to understand how the universe took shape since the Big Bang.

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is also analyzing data from over 13 million galaxies, constructing a detailed three-dimensional map of the cosmos. The latest result suggests that the influence of dark energy may be gradually diminishing, making it less of a factor today than if it had been constant since the Big Bang.

These findings have sparked excitement among astronomers, as they challenge our current understanding of the universe and its composition. While some theories, such as axions, are being ruled out, the results also highlight the importance of independent analyses to help us understand the properties of the cosmos across different times and scales.
