NJ Board Rejects Offshore Wind Bid Amid Uncertainty

New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has decided not to award a contract for the fourth offshore wind solicitation, citing uncertainty driven by federal actions and permitting. The decision comes after two initial bidders withdrew from the competition, leaving only Atlantic Shores as a remaining bidder.

According to President Christine Guhl-Sadovy, several factors contributed to this decision, including Shell’s withdrawal as an equity partner in the Atlantic Shores project and its exit from the American clean energy market. Despite the manifold benefits of offshore wind, the BPU deemed it irresponsible to proceed with the award at this time.

However, Guhl-Sadovy emphasized that the board remains committed to supporting a successful offshore wind industry in New Jersey. She expressed appreciation for Atlantic Shores’ efforts and their commitment to providing a cleaner and healthier future for the state. The BPU will continue to work with Governor Murphy and sister agencies to promote energy independence and build on this opportunity.

Source: https://www.insidernj.com/press-release/new-jersey-board-of-public-utilities-statement-on-new-jerseys-fourth-offshore-wind-solicitation