Norovirus Outbreaks Rise Across US, Expert Warns of Contagious Seasonal Virus

Norovirus cases have surged in the US, with over 91 outbreaks reported by state health departments as of December 1, according to CDC data. The highly contagious virus typically causes symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, with some cases leading to fever, headache, and body aches.

According to Dr. Chad D. Neilsen, director of Infection Prevention and Control at Nemours Children’s Health in Florida, norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne illnesses in the US, resulting in 20 million cases annually. The virus causes around 109,000 hospitalizations and 900 deaths each year, primarily affecting adults over 65.

People of all ages can be infected and show symptoms within two days. Norovirus spreads easily through close contact, contaminated surfaces, utensils, or food. Dr. Neilsen advises frequent handwashing, identifying symptoms early, and isolating oneself if sick. There is no treatment except to stay hydrated, with symptoms usually lasting around three days.

However, some individuals may experience more severe symptoms like dehydration, which can require medical attention. Prevention measures are similar to those for other foodborne illnesses: washing hands thoroughly, cooking food at recommended temperatures, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and avoiding contact with others if sick.

Norovirus typically peaks between November and April due to seasonality trends. Experts recommend using bleach to clean contaminated surfaces and continuing disinfection routines even after recovery. With over 15% of Americans expected to contract norovirus annually, it’s essential to take precautions to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.
