NZ Diplomat Fired for Questioning Trump’s Understanding of History

New Zealand’s High Commissioner to the UK, Phil Goff, has been fired after asking Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen about US President Donald Trump’s understanding of history and his handling of Russia during a Chatham House event in London. Goff appeared to draw parallels between Winston Churchill’s approach to Nazi Germany and Trump’s response to Russia.

Goff was referencing the 1938 speech by Churchill, which criticized Neville Chamberlain’s decision to sign the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler. The diplomat asked Valtonen if she thought Trump really understood history after restoring a bust of Churchill to the Oval Office. Valtonen appeared uncomfortable with the question and instead praised many of Churchill’s remarks as “timeless.”

New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters called Goff’s comment “deeply disappointing” and said it made his position as high commissioner untenable. Peters implied that the firing was not solely due to Goff’s criticism of Trump, but rather because the diplomat did not adhere to the government’s views.

Goff has a long history in politics, having served as foreign minister, Labour Party leader, and mayor of Auckland. He was appointed as New Zealand’s high commissioner to the UK in 2022.
