Egyptian Pyramids Built Using Hydraulic Lift, Study Suggests

A new study suggests that the Step Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt was built using a hydraulic lift around 4,500 years ago. This would be earlier than previously thought for major hydraulic systems. The pyramid’s design, waterways, and interior architecture all point to the use of a hydraulic system. The study, published in PLOS ONE, … Read more

Tycho Brahe, an astronomer and alchemist

What a fascinating article! Tycho Brahe, an astronomer and alchemist, was a true Renaissance man. His discovery of a supernova in 1572 led to his appointment as the royal astronomer for King Frederick II of Denmark and Norway, which enabled him to build his observatory on the island of Ven. The article highlights the surprising … Read more

Cornell Researchers Develop Urine Recycling System for Astronauts

The new spacesuit urine filtration system by Cornell researchers recycles astronauts’ urine into drinkable water, aiming to improve comfort and efficiency on future Moon and Mars missions. Currently, astronauts must relieve themselves inside their spacesuits during spacewalks, which is uncomfortable, unhygienic, and wasteful. To address this issue, Cornell researchers designed a novel urine collection and … Read more

Antimatter detected on International Space Station could reveal new physics

Antimatter detected on International Space Station challenges our understanding of physics Eight years ago, the International Space Station (ISS) detected antimatter particles that defy our current knowledge of physics. Researchers propose that cosmic “fireballs” could explain these mysterious particles. The ISS’s Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) detected around 10 antihelium nuclei, which are antimatter versions of … Read more

“AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry”

AlphaGeometry: An AI System for Geometry Problems AlphaGeometry is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that solves complex geometry problems at a level approaching a human Olympiad gold-medalist. It surpasses the state-of-the-art approach in geometry, advancing AI reasoning in mathematics. The AI system combines the predictive power of a neural language model with a rule-bound deduction … Read more

“Amazon’s Graviton4 CPU: Security Focus and Performance Gains”

Amazon’s Graviton4 CPU is the latest in its line of Arm-based server processors, promising improved performance and security features. It offers up to 30% better compute performance and 75% more memory bandwidth compared to its predecessor. Graviton4 focuses on security with features like Branch Target Identification (BTI), which mitigates against branch prediction attacks. This is … Read more

6 Surprising Ways Blueberries Can Boost Your Health

Love adding blueberries to your yogurt or pancakes? Good news: they’re in season and bursting with flavor — and health benefits. Blueberries are packed with nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and potassium. The antioxidants anthocyanins give them their blue color and offer many health benefits, including reducing inflammation, protecting against type 2 … Read more

Rare rodent prefers invasive noxious weed over native vegetation, study finds

Rare rodent prefers invasive noxious weed over native vegetation, study finds. A new study shows that a threatened rodent, the greater stick-nest rat, which only survives on offshore islands, prefers to eat one of Australia’s most invasive weeds, African boxthorn, instead of native vegetation. The research was published in Wildlife Research and found that African … Read more

«Chiștină campus de calcul quantum în Chicago, cu un investiție de 9 miliarde de dolari și o potențială generațiune de 20 miliarde»

A lakefront site on the Far South Side of Chicago has been chosen as the future home of a new quantum computing campus. The site, formerly a U.S. Steel plant, was selected over a refinery in Lockport. Mayor Brandon Johnson hailed the investment, saying it will revolutionize medicine and clean energy, create jobs, and drive … Read more