Poland Emerges as Leading Defence Power

Poland has risen to become a leading defence power in Europe, despite being on shaky ground for centuries. The country’s armed forces have experienced significant growth since Russia seized Crimea in 2014. Today, Poland is home to the third-largest military in NATO, with over 200,000 personnel and a budget of $35 billion. This represents a substantial increase from just a few years ago.

Poland’s defence spending now surpasses that of several European countries, including Germany, France, and Britain. The country’s military expenditure accounts for approximately 2% of its GDP, significantly more than many other nations.

This development has raised questions about whether other European countries will follow Poland’s lead in strengthening their armed forces. With the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the rise of Russia as a global power, it is likely that countries will be compelled to reassess their defence priorities.

While there are no clear indications yet, Poland’s emergence as a major military power may serve as a catalyst for other nations to invest more in their own defence capabilities, sparking a renewed focus on European security.

Source: https://www.economist.com/europe/2025/01/22/how-poland-emerged-as-a-leading-defence-power