As Russia marks its third anniversary of invading Ukraine, the international community is once again weighing in on the conflict. However, some voices are noticeably absent from the conversation.
The current administration’s stance on Ukraine has sparked outrage among many Americans. Critics argue that by joining with Russia to vote against a UN resolution condemning the war, the US is giving aid and comfort to its enemy.
Republicans, who have historically been strong supporters of a robust US foreign policy, seem eerily silent on this issue. This silence can be seen as tacit support for President Trump’s dealings with Vladimir Putin, which many view as abhorrent.
The situation has drawn comparisons to the dark days of colonialism and exploitation, where European powers carved up Africa among themselves, sowing seeds of conflict that lasted a century.
Meanwhile, some US lawmakers have expressed concern over the administration’s “mineral rights” demand from Ukraine. The writer argues that such demands are completely un-American and should be met with skepticism.
The situation has sparked a heated debate among Republicans, with some defending the current approach as pragmatism, while others see it as a betrayal of traditional values. Critics argue that this U-turn is characteristic of “flip-flopping” and a lack of principle.
As the war rages on, many are left wondering what long-held Republican values will today’s party fight for. Will they stand by allies like Ukraine or the principles of individual freedom and democracy?