Rare Lunar-Solar Eclipse Pair to Occur in 2025

Astronomers predict that two rare lunar-solar eclipses will take place in 2025, as the Moon, Sun, and Earth align in a rare celestial event.

Eclipses often occur in pairs, with two events happening twice a year during an eclipse season lasting about 34 days. However, only rarely do both total (or total and annular) lunar and solar eclipses coincide within a single eclipse season.

In the coming months, astronomers will witness a rare pair of eclipses on March 14th – a total lunar eclipse, followed by a partial solar eclipse on March 29th. Later, another lunar-solar eclipse pair is expected to occur on September 8th and 21st, with a total lunar eclipse on September 8th and a partial solar eclipse on September 21st.

Captured from different locations, including Somerset, UK and Rapa Nui planet Earth, stunning time-lapse images showcase the celestial event.

Source: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250103.html