Respiratory illnesses are on the rise in Virginia, with cases of COVID-19, RSV, pneumonia, and influenza skyrocketing throughout the state.
As of February 1, the level of respiratory illnesses is high and trending upward, according to Heather Harmon-Sloan, respiratory communications coordinator at the Virginia Department of Health. Central Virginia is particularly affected, with higher trends reported compared to the rest of the state.
To protect yourself from these illnesses, it’s essential to follow simple prevention measures such as washing your hands, disinfecting surfaces, and coughing or sneezing in your elbow.
Staying up-to-date on your most recent influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations is also crucial. Unfortunately, vaccination rates have been declining this year compared to previous years, which may be contributing to the surge in respiratory illnesses.
By updating your vaccines, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling ill with these viruses. The best line of defense against respiratory illnesses is a well-maintained immune system, and vaccination is an effective way to achieve that.